Our Program

The summer of 2010 marked the start of a new and exciting chapter in the history of the HFC as we began an educational outreach program geared towards educating our participants about breast cancer and how it affects people in our local community. Led by our educational outreach director Jessica Bittner, we work to partner with many cancer support organizations and groups in the area to aid in our desire to learn more about this disease. We have committed to increasing our efforts to educate and inspire all of our performers and crew members to continue to spread our “hope” past the walls of our theaters. Each show we present incorporates an educational outreach component so our participants know why it is that the HFC exists and how we can profoundly change the lives of those affected by breast cancer. We have been blessed to have several breast cancer survivors and breast cancer advocates come and share their stories of hope with us. These speakers have inspired us and given us the hope to keep striving to help others who are affected by this disease. It is for them and for all of the breast cancer fighters and survivors out there that we perform our shows. We look forward to expanding the educational component of our mission over the years while working towards making a positive impact in our collective fight against breast cancer.

I Hope For…


As part of our educational outreach program, each Hope Player is asked to dedicate their work on each production to someone they know that has battled or survived cancer or another life-altering disease or to someone who gives them hope. We dedicate our current show to the people who have touched our lives…

Jessica Bittner

Chris Jameson

Carrie Christenson

Victoria Viera

James Summers,Jr.

Albina Castellano

Roseanne Piacente

Cristina Zangaglia

2LT Alicia Seda NY‐ARNG

Louise Lombardi

Mary Holden

Jason Morton

Elizabeth Banerlein

Laura Van Steen

Irene Steen

Mitzi Elkes

Gregory Barton

Lynn Nardi

Artie Porcaro,Sr.

Lori Lynch

Nicholas Nardi

Dana Gibson

Evelyn C. Jones

Rene LuBell

Margaret Stettner

Jeanne McCabe

Anthony Cicchetti

Irene Macchia

Maureen Gemingnani

Marcella O’Brien

Evelyn Kelly

Lucielle Gavigan

Lisa Bernardin

Heather MacHenry


Vincent Nargi

Phillis from Support Connection and her friends Wendy, Dorothy, Alice, Sue, Paula,and Rozzi