The Hope For Change Foundation, a not for profit organization dedicated to raising money for breast cancer research through theatrical programming, is holding auditions for its upcoming summer production of George Furth and Stephen Sondheim’s musical Company (Dir. Jason Summers and Jessica Bittner, Mus. Dir. Kevin Winebold). Auditions will be held on Sunday June 2 from 3pm-6pm and Tuesday June 4 from 7pm-9pm at the Westchester Sandbox Theatre, 931c E Boston Post Road in Mamaroneck, NY.
Seeking performers ages 21 and over for all roles. Equity and non-Equity performers are welcome to audition. Please note that AEA members will work under a Theatre Authority Benefit Performance Contract if cast. This is an open call so no appointment is necessary. Please prepare 16-32 bars of a musical theatre song and bring sheet music in the correct key. Sides will be available at the audition and you may be asked to read. Rehearsals will begin on or around July 1. Performances are August 16-18. Rehearsals and performances will take place at the Westchester Sandbox Theatre in Mamaroneck. Rehearsals will take place on weekday evenings and weekends. There is no pay as this is a charity event. Please direct any questions you may have to